Get Active People In Your Business
Leadership expert Simon Sinek says start with the “Why”. Don’t start with the “How” or the “What”.
How GNLD works doesn’t inspire people to join your team.
Even though you’re really excited about PV, BV, and bonus levels, prospects don’t understand their significance.
What GNLD is, doesn’t inspire people to join your team.
You’re excited about using and promoting top-class products from a top-class company, but prospects expect you to say how wonderful everything is.
Everyone selling something says how wonderful it is.
It’s WHY you’re building your GNLD business that inspires others.
People looking for the same thing you are will identify with you and join you.
They join you.
Not for GNLD products.
Simon Sinek’s TED talk has been seen by over 20 million people. View it here and see how to have success with your advertising and recruiting messages.
I didn’t expect to watch the entire 18 minute clip, but I couldn’t pull away. Why? Because he spoke the things he talked about. He spoke not about an action plan, but about belief. It is not from the actions or the plans that success comes, but from the heart. This doesn’t just apply to our business with GNLD, but our ability to lead in all aspects of life. GNLD is just a tool for our belief and desire to become healthy, effective people.
Proverbs 4:23: “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”