how to use your spell-checker

incorrect spelling is a thing of the's easy to use your spell-checker

(with thanks to tutu55 at for sharing his excellent photo)

Spelling words correctly is so easy with the spell-checker facility in programmes like Apache Open Office…and fast. Just press the F7 key, and spelling errors will be highlighted in red, enabling very easy recognition and correction.

A similar spell-check facility a friend used in her word processor for the poem below, is a good example of this time-saving technology…

Ode Two Spell Check Her

Eye halve a spelling check her,

It came with my pea sea.

It plainly marks four my revue

Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.


Eye strike a key, and type a word,

And weight four it two say,

Weather eye am wrong oar write:

It shows me strait a weigh.


As soon as a mist ache is maid,

It nose bee fore two long,

And eye can put the error write:

Its rare lea ever wrong.


Eye have run this poem threw it,

I am shore your pleased two no,

Its letter perfect awl the weigh:

My check her tolled me sew.


Sauce: A friend scent this two me, butt she nose knot hue wrote it. :-)