How to get your GNLD business online

grow your GNLD business online

going global with the internet…

In “conventional” network marketing, it’s behinds on seats that count. In internetwork marketing, it’s eyeballs on your website.

This post is a brief outline of what’s required to get those eyeballs, what it’s likely to cost you, and a way of putting it all together to go global.

basic requirements…

To grow your GNLD business (and make money) on the internet, you need…

  • a website
  • someone to host your website
  • knowledge to promote your business online, and attract visitors to your website
  • a system to communicate regularly with everyone
  • a way of converting visitors to prospects, and prospects to distributors
  • ways of generating income from your website itself

the investments…

As you can imagine, this is going to require investment of money. Money for your website, money for hosting, money for a newsletter service, and money for courses to learn how to do it successfully online.

And for most people, it’s a huge learning curve to put all the parts together, so the other investment is time. Time to develop and hone your internet skills, and time to develop your business and people skills.

You’ll also need determination to succeed, and the tenacity to stick at it. Think of it as a get-rich-slowly business. At the end of it all, you’ll have a solid business with lasting income… an income that grows and grows, hopefully beyond your wildest imagination.

your website...

A website designer usually works to a brief. That means you sit with him or her, and explain exactly what you want. You can’t just say: “I’ve joined GNLD and need a website to do it on the internet.”

If you don’t know a website designer, who has a working knowledge of the MLM business concept, you may have a hard time explaining it.

And if you’re new to network marketing yourself, or know nothing about websites, it’s impossible to explain the details to the designer.

Part of the website design will be to encourage the big search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft to find it. Because if the big 3 can find you, there is a chance people will find you… and you’ll have eyeballs looking at what you’re offering.

How long those eyeballs stay and look around your site, before they flit off to another site, is also part of the design. Attention span is a very short, valuable, commodity nowadays.

website costs…

You can get a simple website for about R3,500.

In addition, as you go along your learning curve, there’ll be alterations and amendments you need to pay for, too.

Registration of a domain name seems to vary, though it’s peanuts compared with the design… expect only R350 a year or even less.

hosting cost…

Once you’ve got a website, it needs to be hosted. That means, it needs to be maintained in good working order on a server, available for visitors to see.

Your website designer may offer you a good hosting deal. Expect to pay around R150 per month.


To me, emails from fred222777@hotmail don’t seem very business-like, and I’m usually thinking “spam” when I see that “From:” line.

Thankfully, usually included in your monthly hosting fee is an email account, too. So you can have your email address fred@fredsbusiness dot com, or info@fredsbusiness dot com.

The other bonus of having fred@fredsbusiness dot com is that people are naturally curious, and will often type www. fredsbusiness dot com into their browser to see what you do. Great… more visitors to your site.

keeping in touch…

It’s no good if your website visitors forget all about you, so most online businesses keep themselves in your mind by sending you a regular newsletter, or notification of new website articles.

One big challenge is getting your hot-off-the-press newsletters accepted by the intended recipients’ servers, and not marked as spam and rejected.

Fortunately, there are newsletter services that guarantee compliance with anti-spam etiquette, and offer guaranteed delivery.

Part of that etiquette, now a legal requirement in most countries, is to send newsletters only to people who sign up for them.

And to get people to sign up for them, you need to offer something free in return, like an e-booklet, or a how-to-do-something guide.

If you give something worthwhile, people tell their friends about it… the friends visit your site… many more eyeballs come and look at what you’re doing.

Newsletter services also enable you to create attractive newsletters that people want to open and read.

Aweber is such a service. It’s well established, and has a very good global reputation. Costs about 20 USD a month (about R150) to regularly send stuff to 200 recipients.

More than 200 people on your list, the price goes up.

And if you’re going to succeed online, you’ll need a list in the thousands, so expect to pay a lot, lot more, eventually.


To succeed online, you need to know how things work online. Things like landing pages, double opt-in, seo, and Google Adwords, to name just a few.

That doesn’t mean you need to be an expert before you start.

But it does mean you need to see the value of investing in courses and books. And making time to read them, and educate yourself. After all, you can’t be a successful rocket scientist without first learning how rockets fly.

income generation…

Having a lovely-looking website, and having thousands of visitors a month, won’t…in itself…make you money.

You need to offer products for your visitors to buy, and a secure way they can pay… that’s back to your website designer again.

costs so far...

  • website… R3500 or more to set up, followed by costs of future alterations and additions
  • hosting… R150 per month or more
  • newsletter service… R150 for only 200 people… and you’ll need many more than this small number

So that’s +/- R3500 initial outlay for design, plus R300 a month, at least.

And countless hours fathoming everything out yourself…trying and testing…trying and testing…until you find what works.


What if you could pay just one monthly fee of around R230 (29.99 USD) and get everything you need provided for you, in one easily-accessible place?…

  • step-by-step tutorials
  • easy-to-use software to create your own website
  • registration of your website name
  • monthly hosting of your website
  • automated email newsletter services
  • 24/7 support
  • everything specially designed for network marketers

Sounds like just what you need, doesn’t it?  Check it out here… Network Marketing