cold calling

I hated calling people I didn't know. Frank Rumbauskas convinced me, in his newsletters, to stop cold calling altogether. Maybe he'll convince you too...

 (many thanks to obyvatel at for the free stock photo)

Often, after an initial flurry of activity, the enthusiasm wanes, the exciting new GNLD business loses its fizz, and the joining kit is put on the shelf to collect dust. What happened to the fizz?

I remember an aspect of our new GNLD business that really tested my enthusiasm…the telephone. Picking it up and phoning people I didn’t know from a bar of soap. Cold calling. I loathed it.

Tim Sales taught me how to use the telephone properly, to qualify people I had already identified as prospects. Not personally, of course… I invested in his course ‘Professional Inviter’.

And Frank Rumbauskas convinced me, in his newsletters, to stop cold calling altogether. Maybe he’ll convince you too… nip over to and sign up for a free 37-page pdf. Then go over to and sign up for his excellent newsletter.

Here’s a sample of what you’ll get. This is the text from Frank’s latest newsletter, which I’m reproducing here in the spirit of his words at the end of the newsletter…”And be sure to forward this information to anyone you think may benefit by it.”


“ Newsletter

We all know how powerful a sales slump can be, and how it can have such an iron grip on your performance once it starts.

For a long time I’ve been trying to understand exactly WHY this is so, and even though I’ve come to a basic understanding of why slumps are so powerful, I recently came upon the right words to explain it, and in doing so, I gained a lot of insight into how to prevent them from happening in the first place and, at the same time, how to increase your overall sales success.

I was at a four-day seminar featuring a wide variety of guest speakers in various areas of self-improvement and how to really achieve excellence in everything that you do. One of the speakers in particular was a practising hypnotist who works with people specifically to remove limiting beliefs from their minds.

Regardless of whether or not you believe hypnosis works as a self-improvement technique, he spent quite a bit of time discussing the ins and outs of the subconscious mind, and it was during this part of his talk that the light bulb went on in my head and I not only figured out the cause of slumps once and for all, but also realized what it is that keeps many salespeople down and exactly why my own personal success in selling increased exponentially as soon as I eliminated cold calling from my routine.

The speaker was talking about the effects of rejection on the subconscious mind, and about how the belief that anything is a “numbers game” actually perpetuates failure because of the destructive effects it has on your own mind. In some ways, the belief that “it’s a numbers game” works as a limiting belief against you.

This hypnotist explained that the subconscious will give you whatever it THINKS you’re trying to feed it. If you’ve read ‘Cold Calling Is A Waste Of Time’, think back to the part where I explain that the subconscious mind works with whatever material it receives, positive or negative. If you’re inadvertently feeding negative material to your subconscious mind, it will respond by transforming those negative thoughts into outward physical action on your part that will generate only negative results.

Moving on, he got to his point. The subconscious mind learns through REPETITION. If something is happening over and over, on a regular basis, the subconscious receives it, recognizes it, and acts upon it solely as a result of constant repetition.

Deliberately doing anything that results in repetitive rejection causes the subconscious mind to actually EXPECT rejection, and causes you to unconsciously do things through your body language, voice tone, and other means to CAUSE rejection to take place!

When you force yourself to experience rejection on a regular and consistent basis, your subconscious mind mistakenly believes that you’re trying to program it to WANT rejection, and it responds by actually making it happen more often!

This key component in the workings of the human mind says more about why you should avoid cold calling at all cost than anything else I’ve ever learned.

Let’s look at it from a real-world point of view. We can all agree that, on average, about 1 in 50 cold calls will result in a lead – a real, qualified lead that is, not just someone who will agree to an appointment with you. An appointment is not a qualified lead.

Let’s say someone is a really great cold caller, or happens to have a great territory or is just plain lucky and this person is getting 1 in 20.

This means that for every 20 cold calls, this person’s subconscious mind is receiving “rejection programming” 95% of the time. It will eventually accept this “rejection programming” and short circuit the person’s success.

I think this function of the mind also serves to explain the reality of “sales burnout.” I know so many salespeople who were always successful and top performers, until one day they reached burnout and had to get out. Even though things were going well, something snapped inside them and they immediately got out of selling for good.

I now believe that the endless years of “rejection programming” are to blame for sales burnout. After thousands upon thousands of rejections have been burned into one’s mind, the subconscious simply shuts that section of the mind down and the person can no longer go on selling.

The crazy part about all this is that if salespeople spent their careers utilizing some simple lead-generation systems and methods, they’d never have to cold call, never have to deal with thousands of cold call rejections, and would have much more profitable sales careers as well as healthier self-esteem and would generally be happier people.

The scariest part of this speaker’s presentation was when he explained that people who have inadvertently programmed themselves for rejection have difficulty not only in business, but in all areas of life, particularly in relationships.

If you’re still cold calling, you’re subjecting yourself to this rejection programming on a daily basis and the effects are cumulative over time. My “Cold Calling Is A Waste Of Time: Sales Success In The Information Age” program will give you the lead-generation systems and methods you can use to forever stop cold calling. If you don’t have it, get it right now:

Feel free to send in your questions and watch for them, along with my responses, in future mailbags. The address is If you have a success story to contribute, please send it to and use “Success Story” as the subject line. I read those first.

And be sure to forward this information to anyone you think may benefit by it.

Thanks again for taking the time to read this. Good luck and happy selling!

Your friend,

Frank J. Rumbauskas, Jr.”

end quote.

All Frank’s newsletters are packed with powerful info like this, so make sure you get yours… nip over to and sign up. Then go over to and get yourself a free copy of Frank’s 37-page pdf ‘Never Cold Call Again’.